
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Measuring the Efficiency of an Algorithm

Data structures, which allow data within a program to be organized and structured, are one of the most essential elements of all programming. Popular examples of data structure types include lists, stacks, queues, and trees. Algorithms are what animate those data structures and allow them to be manipulated. For instance, if you want your program to sort data or search through data, you would utilize a sort or search algorithm alongside your chosen data structure.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Quick Tips on Installing Java for a Beginner

Java is an object-oriented programming language currently developed by the Oracle Corporation. With Java, a programmer has more portability than with languages such as other software languages such as C++; a Java executable can be run on virtually any system with the Java framework installed. This "write once, run everywhere" methodology has allowed Java to become one of the world's most popular programming languages, currently ranked #2 according to GitHub's PYPL index.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Insights on Operating Systems Theory & Design

Operating systems are the backbone of how we interact with computers. When computers were in their infancy, users interacted with the computer through switches and complex programming commands; the development of the OS has made computers accessible and essential to everyday users. Understanding how the OS operates is an integral part of the educational journey for anyone entering the world of IT. This post will provide a basic overview of the most crucial elements and concepts that underlie the functional operation of an operating system.

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Importance of Network Management

Network management is the act of ensuring that a computer network operates efficiently and without issue. Those working in network management are expected to wield an extensive array of skills and tools to maintain the network's functionality and support its users. We presently live in a world that is increasingly controlled by networks; most of our jobs rely on the Internet and internal servers for the ability for employees to do their jobs, and much of our time outside of work – whether we're interacting with friends or family on social media, sending emails, or using streaming services – is still dictated by the functionality of a network somewhere. Without network managers doing their job effectively, our lives as we know them would look very different. This post will discuss the average network manager's various roles and how network management ties into the core tenets of information technology.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Tips for Network Security

Computers, the Internet, and technology at large have become so enmeshed in our daily lives that it is now impossible to imagine life without them. The information age has allowed us to connect with people virtually anywhere on the planet, purchase products & services online, and countless other small conveniences. With these conveniences comes a price: most everyone has a digital footprint, and their data likely exists across various online locations. Despite the myriad technological advances made practically daily and the focus companies place on securing their users' data, no company or individual user is completely immune to security risks. This post will discuss network security and suggest what users can do to protect themselves online. I will also explain how computer malware works and its various forms.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Information Technology and the Insurance Industry

I am currently employed in the insurance industry, where I have worked for about seven years. My job involves processing various inquiries submitted by insurance agents or directly by our insureds, including requests for policy documents, to update coverage, and so on. All my work is done on a computer. We receive our requests through request management software that is accessed via a web browser, we communicate with coworkers via email and chat, and also use Microsoft Office programs (such as Excel and Word) for other reasons as needed.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Experimenting with Ping and Traceroute

In this blog post, I will explore using the ping and traceroute functions. Using the ping function allows you to determine if a server is online and to see how quickly you can reach it, while tracerouting provides an exact route of a ping request from your device to the server you are sending the request to.